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Artemus Dolgin - Old School Aesthetic Model

Artemus Dolgin's Journey to turning into an expert weight lifter is amazingly rousing. He moved to America with nothing and functioned ...

Artemus Dolgin's Journey to turning into an expert weight lifter is amazingly rousing. He moved to America with nothing and functioned as a server and janitor so as to survive, resolved to understand his fantasy of turning into a master. 

By 2016, following quite a while of diligent work and assurance, Artemus had discovered accomplishment as a contender and business visionary in the wake of beginning a rec center apparel organization. 

This is his story: 

Brought up in Moscow, Russia, Artemus Dolgin got to be distinctly entranced with weight training from an early age. At 6 years old, Artemus' dad gave him an old barbell. This was what persuaded the youth to start his excursion. 

When he was mature enough, Artemus started lifting weights in his dad's storm cellar exercise center. 

"My dad manufactured an old school storm cellar exercise center in Russia, for the most part for criminals. Despite everything I recall its scent and the commotion of those old Olympic weights that got to be music to me" 

When Artemus entered secondary school, he'd developed into the most strong child in his year. Now, he was welcome to join his school Greco-Roman wrestling group. 

Be that as it may, in the wake of being propelled by any semblance of Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny Padilla, the future IFBB Pro started making arrangements to move to America. 

He enlisted at the University of Kiev with the expectation that a degree would permit him to make the huge move to the US. 

In the wake of moving on from College, Artemus at long last satisfied his craving and moved to Chicago, America. In any case, life wasn't simple at first for the Russain. 

In spite of the fact that he kept preparing to shape his fantasy build, he was compelled to look for some kind of employment wherever he could to reserve himself. He moved between various occupations, acting as a server and janitor. 

Be that as it may, his assurance soon paid off. 

Amid his time working in a coffee shop, Artemus drew consideration for his impressive physical make-up. As he served a gathering of competitors in the eatery, Artemus was welcome to prepare with a Greco-Roman wrestling group. 

He inspired the head mentor with his solid form and aptitude, and was acknowledged as a major aspect of the group – alongside this achievement, he was conceded a full grant to go to College in St. Louis, Missouri. 

When he'd moved on from College for the second time, Artemus had built up his fantasy figure. It was now that he set his sights on turning into a focused jock. 

Artemus entered his first rivalry in 2013 – the NPC Rockford in the Men's Physique classification. In spite of the fact that he didn't win, he figured out how to put a respectable fourth with next to no information of stage-posturing. 

This made him more decided than any other time in recent memory to become well known in the business. 

It wasn't long until Artemus had entered his second show, the 2013 NPC Nationals Chicago. In the wake of rehearsing his stage schedule, he put a nearby second. 

However, his most noteworthy accomplishment yet came in his third challenge. 

Soon thereafter, Artemus strolled on the phase of the 2013 NPC Team Universe with the point of winning his first rivalry – and the Russian contender oversaw precisely that. 

Artemus left with the trophy, yet he'd likewise understood his fantasy. Alongside his triumph, he'd earned his Pro Card, turning into an expert muscle head. 

In 2015, Artemus chose to seek after a vocation far from the stage. He established an exercise center dressing organization with a few different weight lifters. 

By 2016, his organization had turned into a win, supporting legends of the game like Danny Padilla and Tom Platz.

Artemus Dolgin's Accomplishments : 

  • 2013 NPC Rockford, Men’s Physique, 4th
  • 2013 NPC Nationals Chicago, Men’s Physique, 2nd
  • 2013 NPC Team Universe, Men’s Physique, 1st (Pro Card)
  • 2013 IFBB Tampa Pro, Men’s Physique, 6th
  • 2014 IFBB New York Pro, Men’s Physique, 15th
  • 2014 IFBB Denver Mile High Pro, Men’s Physique, 14th
  • 2014 WBFF Sacremento, Muscle Model, 3rd
  • 2014 WBFF Worlds Las Vegas, Muscle Model, 10th

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Shredz Club: Artemus Dolgin - Old School Aesthetic Model
Artemus Dolgin - Old School Aesthetic Model
Shredz Club
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