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Ramses Rams - The Shredded Spanish Beast ( 2014 IFBB World Champion )

"I was born in Oviedo (ASTURIAS) and I have dedicated my whole life to the sport. Now nothing more to learn to walk the first thing my ...

"I was born in Oviedo (ASTURIAS) and I have dedicated my whole life to the sport. Now nothing more to learn to walk the first thing my parents gave me was a bicycle and some skis. The closest people and my family assure that I learned even before to skiar that to correctly vocalize my name.

I always lived, I live and I will live for the sport. At 5 years old I started to play basketball on my school team, until at age 11 I suffered a serious illness that left me in a wheelchair with no mobility in my legs. After a long process of recovery based on effort and with the help of an impeccable medical service I recovered and it was then where I saw my future of life clear: I decided that I wanted to be STRONG, so as not to avoid having these problems again ...

At the age of 15 I started boxing and gymnastics, I practiced boxing for many years at a regional level until it caught my attention a football team that was doing a Training Camp to select future promises. I presented myself to this opportunity and fought as much as possible until finally they chose me and I played in the Gijon Mariners until I enlisted in the Spanish Army.

At the age of 15 I started boxing and gymnastics, I practiced boxing for many years at a regional level until it caught my attention a football team that was doing a Training Camp to select future promises. I presented myself to this opportunity and fought as much as possible until finally they chose me and I played in the Gijon Mariners until I enlisted in the Spanish Army.

In my military stage it was where I learned the discipline, the sacrifice and the values ​​of the struggle for your goals. It was in the ranks of the regiment that I took several military courses among them the paratrooper. I belonged to the Group of Special Operations (GOE) defending the values ​​of our flag in missions like those of Afghanistan and Somalia.

For the fate of my unit I moved to Seville where I played in the American Football Bobcats until I decided to graduate from the army and be a nomad of life. I loaded a backpack on my shoulder and went to do the Americas where I saw that my life and my future was going to be bodybuilding"

I returned to my Asturian country to forge a body based on hard training, the truth that having weights since the age of 15 has served me so that in my first year of competition I obtained these titles:

YEAR 2014

1st Championship of Asturias
1st North of Spain Championship
3rd Championship MusclePower nationwide
3rd Championship City Don Benito Nationwide
1st Championship OSN nationwide
1st Championship Spain Cup
1st Championship Francisco del Yerro Nationwide
1st Spanish national championschip
1st World Cup Championship IFBB

YEAR 2015

4th European Championships
2nd Mediterranean Sea Championship
1st MusclePower Championship nationwide
2nd Mr. Olympia Spain
5th Arnold Classic Europe
5th Mr.Olympia EVLS Prague Pro


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Shredz Club: Ramses Rams - The Shredded Spanish Beast ( 2014 IFBB World Champion )
Ramses Rams - The Shredded Spanish Beast ( 2014 IFBB World Champion )
Shredz Club
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